Excel Unique & Duplicate Data Remover 1.1
Excel Unique & Duplicate Data Remover 1.1 e приложение което търси и трие - въведени стойности, клетки, резултати, редове, колони, от селекция или таблица. След като сте направили селекция на група от клетки, приложението ще сравни и премахне повтарящите се и ненужни записи.
Use this Excel Add-in to search and delete duplicate and unique entries, values, cells, records, rows, columns, and numbers in any Excel list or selection. Simply select a block of cells and use the product to compare and eliminate all matching redundant data. The results can be placed on top of the selected cells themselves, in a new list next to the selection, or in a new worksheet. This is the easiest and most efficient Excel data comparison application on the market. Features include: Remove Duplicates Except For One, Remove Duplicates Except For One & Remove Blank Cells, Remove Uniques, Remove Uniques & Remove Blank Cells, Remove List 2 From List 1, Keep Matches In List 1 & List 2
Home Page: sobolsoft.com
Licence: Shareware
Download: Excel U&D Data Remover